Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tip #20: The Price is Right!

No, no, I don’t mean the game show. Although I guess if the bride to be is a big fan of that you could watch that too. I just thought it would be a clever title for this post, because this post is about rightest price you can get: free! Bachelorette parties can be expensive. Believe me, I know. It helps if you get everyone coming (except the bride!) to chip in some money to buy things, but often times the majority of the financial burden is on the party planner. So I bet if you’re anything like I was, you can use every tip for cutting costs that you can get. So I thought I’d share some with you. I found a couple of free things online that I think could be of some use to all the thrifty party planners out there.
First, I found some free invitations in case you don’t want to spring for fancy ones like I talked about last time.

They’re not as high quality, and you have to print them out yourself, but you get what you pay for. They don’t look too bad for the price and the cop theme on the front is pretty funny. All in all, not a bad way to cut some costs, however little.

The other thing I found a way to do for free is entertainment. I’ve shared several games with you that have worked for me, and I’m sure you’ve found even more on your own. But those all, of course, cost money, and for most of them, it’s no small amount. Well, I found some free alternatives for those, too. I found a free scavenger hunt and a marriage word scramble. There’s also those two versions of bingo I posted about way back in tip #11. These all look like fun, if a little basic, games. Sure, they’re not flashy or creative like some others out there, but they’re a pretty good free alternative.

Okay, that’s all for now. If any of you have any more tips for how to cut costs for parties, I’d love to hear them and I’m sure the other readers would too.

See you next time,

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