Friday, April 8, 2011

Tip #31: Veils part 2

Okay, now we’re back onto veils! Sorry about that little detour last week, but I hope at least some of you appreciated that website as much as I did. Then again, I used to want to make sure every small detail of my friends’ bachelorette parties was perfect, so even small things like the straws were important to me - but that might not be the case with everyone. I’m sure everyone does at least consider getting a veil, though, so without further ado let’s get back to those!

This, I think, is the basic, typical penis veil. The penises are noticeable, but not too extremely extravagant. It looks like a pretty solid choice if you know you want to get your bachelorette a veil with penises on it and you know she’s okay with that. If she isn’t too okay with it but you want to anyways, just to poke a little fun at her, I found this one that might be a better option:

This veil is decorated all throughout with tiny shiny penises. I can barely see them in the picture, so you probably can’t tell what they are from far away - but I bet you can from up close! So this is probably good if you want to embarass your girlfriend a little bit but not too much. You don’t want her to refuse to wear it, after all! I like that there’s something like this available. There’s such a wide variety of things with penises on them for bachelorette parties! Of course, this is probably at the opposite end of the spectrum:

It’s a flashing penis veil. This one will definitely attract attention. So I’d recommend getting this only if your bachelorette is completely shameless and wants to flaunt her... well, her penises! I like to think I would have had the courage to wear this at my bachelorette party, but I am only saying that with the safety of hindsight... I don’t think I know many girls who would dare wear this flashy thing out in public. But maybe some of you do. Are any of you reading this and thinking you might get that last veil for your bachelorette? You should post pictures of her wearing it after the party, I would love to see proof of a girl actually wearing this thing! I think that’s it for veils. I’ll move on to other types of headwear next, unless I come across something cool or funny but sort of unrelated like that penis straws website again!


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