Thursday, September 23, 2010

Tip #10: 20 Questions

Now that I’ve told you more than you probably ever want to know about giant inflatable penises, it’s time to move onto the next block of tips. Starting today, I think I’ll share some fun party games with you that have worked well at the bachelorette parties I’ve hosted in the past. We’ll start with one of my absolute favorites: 20 questions-type games, where you try and find out how much the bride-to-be really knows about her future groom. There’s no shortage of different ways to play this out there, but here’s my favorite.
The first step is, obviously, to ask the groom 20 questions and write down the answers. These should be things that he thinks the bride might or might not know. Throw a few in there that he knows the bride probably wouldn’t know and will have to guess on, for fun. It should be a mix of yes/no questions and questions that require a more specific answer. Asking specific dates are great, but not the obvious ones like when he proposed - things like their first date are good, if he can even remember. After you’ve recorded his answers to the question, ask him how many questions he thinks the bride will get right, just for fun.
Then, at the party, ask all the girls how many they think the bride will get right, and keep track of that. Then, ask the bride the questions. Whoever was closest to how many she got right should get a prize. You can have all the girls throw in a dollar and give the money to the winner, or you can make a drinking game out of it and let the winner dole out shots, there’s lots of possibilities.
This is a great game to play because not only will it be funny to see how the bride’s answers match up to the real ones, the bride will definitely learn some new things about her husband that night. And there’s a lot you can do with it, too. Like I said, you could have the girls bet money or drink with it, but I’m sure you can come up with some other great ideas too. 20 questions is a classic bachelorette party game and one of the funnest by far in my experience. If you need help coming up with questions to ask the groom, I’m sure you can find some good ideas on the internet. I had a set of questions I used to ask for this, but it’s been a while since I threw a bachelorette party and I lost the list. If by some chance I find it again I’ll share them with you, but you’re probably better off searching the web, or coming up with questions on your own. I’ll post some more game ideas next week.

See you next time,

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tip #9: More Inflatables

I was thinking about that series of posts about strippers, I got the idea that I should make more posts that are related to each other. So, continuing from last week, here’s some more options if you want to get an inflatable toy for your party. There are plenty of inflatable men out there, and they’re got their uses, but just like real men they’re only good for so much. So now it’s time to explore some other options. Sometimes, you don’t want to be subtle with your decorations at all. Maybe a naked man just isn’t quite obvious enough. If you’ve got a party where all the decorations look like penises, maybe instead you want to get a giant inflatable penis like this one.

It stands a whopping six feet tall. Yeah, it’s really big. If you don’t want one quite that big (or expensive), there’s this one, too.

And if you’d like to spice things up with an african-american penis instead, there’s this.

As you can see, there’s just as many choices of inflatable penis as inflatable men, if not more. So, how do you decide which one to get, full naked man or just his member? Well, it depends on the party. If you’re going out to the bars, you could take an inflatable penis with you - assuming the bar you’re going to is okay with it. I’ve only done this with a party once, and it worked out fine. Taking an inflatable penis out in public was hilarious. Everybody in the bar got a huge kick out of it and that made the girls like it even more. But you wouldn’t want to take an inflatable man to a bar. That could be seen as kind of creepy. If you’re just having the party at a girl’s house, though, it’s really a matter of personal preference. Generally, it should be pretty easy for you to know which one your guests will like more just by knowing their personalities. It’s not really something I can explain, but I’m sure you understand. Really, either one will work great at any at-home bachelorette party, and I would definitely recommend you get one or the other. They’re a great time. I hope it’s been helpful that I’ve provided this basic information and these options for you.

See you next time,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tip #8: Inflatable Dates

Now that I’ve taught you probably more than you ever wanted to know about hiring a male stripper, I feel that I should present an alternative. Maybe you want there to be some kind of naked man at your bachelorette party, but for one of any number of reasons, you don’t want it to be an real live naked man. So what can you do? An excellent alternative to hiring a stripper is getting an inflatable blow-up doll of a naked man. Maybe you don’t have the money for a stripper, or you’re all just a little to shy to make the call. Not a problem! In my experience I’ve seen blow-up dolls being just as fun. They have plenty of advantages. They’re not expensive, they’re quiet, and they’ll let you do whatever you want to them! Just make sure it’s appropriate to do with all your girlfriends around. So, what blow-up doll would I recommend? Well, if you don’t have a lot of money leftover in your budget, the most cost-effective doll is Harry the Cheap Date.

There’s nothing real special about Harry, his most attractive feature is his price tag. But he’s still plenty good enough to get all the girls laughing their heads off, I can promise you that. But if you want to spring for something a little higher quality and a lot funnier, I recommend the Big John doll.

Yes, while Harry had nothing down there, Big John has a seven inch vibrating penis. You can imagine how that might make him a lot more fun to have at your bachelorette party. The attached vibrator makes for some hilarious times. Just make sure the girls don’t get to interested in it.
Blow-up dolls are really a great idea if you want an easy way to make your party a whole lot funnier and more exciting. And if you’re feeling a little devious and want to blackmail someone, you could wait until the pass out and take pictures of them with the doll. Not that I’m advocating that. Just letting you know that it is possible.

See you next time,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tip #7: How to Act

Here it is, the thrilling conclusion to the series on strippers. You’ve decided on getting a stripper to come to the house, and you’ve hired him. Now you need to know a few things about how to behave once he gets there.

First and most importantly, make sure the bride to be is the center of attention. One of the big advantages of hiring a personal stripper instead of going to the strip club is so she can get attention. Every girl at the party should get some attention, but make sure that the focus is the bride. It’s her party, and you’re hiring the stripper for her, after all!

Another important thing, for the bride and all the other girls, go along with the routine. If he comes dressed in a special outfit, like a pizza delivery boy or a fireman, play along with that. And it’s okay to be flirty, in fact, you shouldn’t be afraid to say flirtatious and naughty things. He’s getting naked, after all, he’s not going to be embarrassed by a little dirty talk. You’ll all enjoy the experience more if even a few girls are into it and actively participating.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with some dollar bills, too. Put one somewhere on your body and have the stripper take it from you. Again, this is part of playing around and being involved in the action. And another tip about money: use singles. I heard a saying once, with stripper five $1 bills is worth more than one $5 bill. And it’s completely true, as you can probably imagine. It make it last longer.

Now, one thing you absolutely shouldn’t do: I strongly advise that you do NOT sleep with the stripper, whether you’re the bride or just a guest. It will not end well. Not to stereotype, but considering his profession, he could very likely have several diseases. Plus, all of your friends at the party will know, and won’t let you live it down. I promise, you will regret it. And if you’re the bride to be, well, you can think of all the other reasons that’s an even worse idea for you. Really, there are no good reasons to even think about doing this. So don’t do it. End of story.

That’s all the advice I can think of to give you right now. Hopefully it will help you make the most of your experience hiring a stripper for your party.

See you next time,